
Galza 25 features portraits of curious figures and objects from Japan's past and present times.

Find the emulated Commodore 64 version here (opens in a new tab; press play; loading can take a while ;)). The prg, coded by Se7en, features music by Dalezy.


Menu by Se7en
Galza-25 Pack Info by Otium
Aibo by Otium
Akihito by Otium
Animal by Otium
Fusako by Otium
Ghost by Otium
Hiroshi by Otium
Isoroku by Otium
Kabuki by Otium
Osahito by Otium
Sam by Otium
Seki by Otium
Shinzo by Otium
Showa by Otium
Tetsuo by Otium